Here is Shrink O’Matic, my new AIR application!
Simply drag and drop images on it and they’ll be resized as you wish.
More info on the project page…
I’ve also set up a new projects‘ page listing AIR apps and more.
Concerning the source code, it’s not available but you can find parts of it in a brand new Google Code project where I’ve added (and I’ll keep on adding) classes I use.

Introducing WebKut, my first useful AIR application! Basically this is a screenshot tool aimed at web pages. But you’ll find more info on the project page. Tell me what you think!
[Update] Note: As lots of folks reported, “kut” means “vagina” in Dutch. I didn’t know it back then but now I do, and — as this project is old and will probably never be updated — I won’t change anything. From now on I will remove any comment about this, since it doesn’t add anything interesting to the discussion.

Introducing Snips, my first WordPress plugin!
Running a WordPress blog? Tired of having to switch to “code view” to copy/paste nasty HTML code from sites such as YouTube or DailyMotion? Or frequently having to write the same things? Then Snips is for you!
Snips has been updated, see this post for fresh news.