Meet Dok, my latest and nicest AIR app to this day!

Always looking for help when writing AS3 for Flash, Flex and AIR? Think Adobe’s reference is rich but browsing it sucks? Well, I did too. So I wrote this little thingy that loads, parses and caches help pages and then presents them in a slick and quick UI!
Since this app is only intended for devs and therefore may not be very interesting to others, I decided it should look good. So I tried my best and worked hard on those pixels and styles (colors and textures inspired by that sweet clock)… Jump to the project page for life-size screenshot!
This project is absolutely OpenSource, from top to bottom. AS3 classes, MXML, Illustrator and Photoshop files, PNGs and so on… Help yourself.
Posted on May 25, 2010 under Dev,Visual.
This post is tagged air, as, flash, flex, gray, illustrator, opensource, photoshop, ui and has 4 comments.
WordPress’ Shortcode API is a really cool thing, and since I’m working on a Drupal site these days I’ve been looking for something similar. Unfortunately I couldn’t find anything… There are some implementations out there but the ones I found and tested always come pre-bundled with specific tags and don’t always provide an extensible and stable logic.
So I made mine!

Most of my work simply consisted in copying/pasting the code in WordPress’ shortcodes.php and binding it into a Drupal filter. Easy enough.
Now if you want to use it, you have to:
- Get the module
- Add it to your “modules” directory
- Enable it
- Add it to one of your setup’s filter bundle
- Write your own module where you’d implement one or more Shortcodes (via add_shortcode) and make sure you add “dependencies[] = shortcodes” in your .info file
You might experience a nasty “Call to undefined function add_shortcode“. If so, you have to change you module implementation’s weight, either directly in your database, or thanks to the cool Utility module. Set it to 10 and you’re set!
During the last couple of months I’ve been working on a free AIR app for a French community-based site called Weecast. Its purpose is to allow users to submit and/or buy screencasts about your favorite apps and languages (mostly Adobe’s and Microsoft’s, but also 3D ones’, OS’s and more).
Introducing the Weecast Player!
The app allows you to browse your videos, watch them (4 view modes), search for more, drop comments and stars… I think that’s called an RIA, right? There’s also an offline mode, so you can access all your stuff anytime.
All of this is made in Flex+AIR. The visual identity was made by Weecast ; thanks for the PNGs, folks!
By the way, some parts of it are actually OpenSource, including:
If you don’t know Weecast yet I highly recommend you go visit their site, grab an account and the player, enjoy free videos, and then buy some! Now if you don’t understand French… Well, learn it!
Posted on January 23, 2010 under Dev.
This post is tagged air, as, blue, flex, mxml, video and has Comments Off on Weecast Player.
Introducing my latest project: TW Paper, a simple iPhone/iPod touch wallpaper gallery+collection.

A little bit of JavaScript and some Photoshop/CSS trickery to present a growing collection of images designed for your favorite piece of technology!
The page also works on iPhone/iPod touch but looks a little different for better usability. Just tap+hold on the image to save it.

Expect the gallery to evolve, with new images and quotes!
I played with MooTools a bit and did that. Useless, opensource, nerdy.

I also set up a gallery, so if you’ve got nice scrollbars that aren’t here yet, send’ em right away!
Remember my first and only WordPress plugin? Well it just got better.

Snips 2.0 is basically Snips rewritten from scratch, updated to fit WordPress’ Shortcode API. Let’s see how good it is…
Tired of having to copy paste nasty HTML code from sites such as YouTube, Vimeo and so on? Looking for a way to insert recurrent content in your posts without having to type it every time? Would like to be able to inject parameters in these snippets? Well, now you can.
Just install Snips and use the bundled shortcodes or create/edit your own!
Each Snip is a combination of a name, a model and optional parameters. The name defines the shortcode tag you will be able to use, the model is the content that will replace your shortcode calls and the parameters (that look like #the-parameter# in the model) are portions of the model that can change from a call to an other. Those parameters can have default values or can be left empty and then become mandatory.
All of this can be edited via a simple UI, found under Settings > Snips… Here’s screenshot:

For those that used Snips’ first version: (0.2) everything should be OK, the previous syntax will work ; but I recommend using the new one and the corresponding updated model files (ex: yt becomes yt2). Also, the #up# parameter (used in mp3 and swf snips) has to be set manually to your blog’s upload path.
If you use it and find bugs, please let me know! This is the first time I use jQuery behavior (for the parameters’ detection in the Settings page) so it could act a little weird.

Introducing Boks, my latest and most ambitious AIR app to this day!
Do you design web pages? Do you write HTML and CSS? Ever heard about the Grid System and Blueprint CSS? Thought it was a pain to implement? Think again, fool!
Boks is some kind of WYSIWYG to help you setup a grid and baseline rhythm, build and fill your layout and export all this to HTML and CSS in no time.
Got your own CSS style already? No problemo, Boks can use them and eventually merge and compress them within a single “screen.css”. Your styles use images? Simply point to your asset directory and it will be included too! Afraid of breaking the baseline rhythm with you randomly sized images? Just select the “Add JS to fix baselines” option and you’re good to go!
Enough. Just go grab it (or just have a look at the lovely screenshots) and send feedback!
Apr 01, 2009: Update! I’ve done some wacky video screencasts that can help you understand everything about Boks, go and have a look! Yes, the sound is not perfect.
Posted on March 29, 2009 under Dev,Visual.
This post is tagged air, flex, grid, illustrator, javascript, logo, typo, ui, white and has 291 comments.

A new project is online! It’s called Kwot, and it allows you to share and store your favorite quotes.
The UI is quite minimalistic, with focus on simplicity. Navigate through quotes with your mouse wheel, your keyboard’s left and right arrow or the mini timeline at the bottom. Add a quote by clicking on the plus button at the bottom right hand corner. If you don’t pick any color they’ll be automatically chosen via a magic algorithm! Another magic algorithm will rotate your quote in 3D space. But don’t worry you will preview that in real-time, ha!
I might add user (login) support, language tagging, an RSS feed and stuff like that but don’t expect that too soon, holidays are coming!
If you don’t have the Flash plugin or if you visit the site on an iPhone the site will look quite different but everything will remain!
A few things I used in case you wonder: swfaddress (you will love deep-linking!), GTween, FlashDevelop, AMFPHP, the viewport width attribute… Oh, and by the way, the font face is called Neutra.
Add some quotes and drop feedback!
I recently released FFFFOUND Desktop, this AIR app uses a home-made API that I’m open sourcing today. The code is hosted on Google Code and is available via SVN, I also uploaded a zip archive if you prefer.
You’ll find the (asdocs) docs in the repository and in the archive.
By the way, I love feedback. If you use it: please share!
Also, if you need examples on how to use it, ask. I think the sources are self-explanatory but I might be wrong.
A few important things (also posted on the project’s page):
- For now, this API will only work in AIR projects because’s crossdomain.xml is too restrictive. I’ve contacted them but at this time they don’t want to change it.
- The API relies on FFFFOUND’s RSS feeds but also on the site’s pages’ HTML, so some functionalities might break at any time without warning. Use with caution.
Watch the comments for any update or news!

Finally a new AIR app! It’s called FFFFOUND Desktop and if you like FFFFOUND you’ll love it.
More info on the projet’s page, as usual.
Just like the other AIR apps, it uses some home-brewed open-source utility classes, some of which have been updated for this project, go play with’em!